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The current high score competition Events have finished. Congratulations to those players that won T-shirts. I hope everyone had a great time taking part. We have completed the current set of competitions for A Shooter, handing out 5 prizes along the way.
If you have any great stories to share about this game on Xblig, you can share them with Voodoochief and maybe win a prize of your own (please keep them clean).
Winners So far:-
SinedX360 wins a T-Shirt for being the First score VoodooChief received after launch.
Gontyanbaby wins the Event #1 (9/26/2010) with 1,348,730 points (level 8). This high score was second on my list after my Artist, whom I disqualified :] Congrats.
BohdelShwingh, is the Event #2 winner. (10/3/2010) with 1,414,539 points (level 10). This is our top score below myself and my artist. Excellent job. This was a very exciting and close competition that has a write up here.
Lohengriehn, is the Event #3 winner. (10/10/2010) with 1,538,166 points (level 10). Excellent job and I am so glad you won this after last weeks epic fight (read about that here!).
Final Mirage, is the winner of the complete level13 competition. Congratulations to him for his indomitable spirit and dedication. He completed the game with a score of 2,155,093 points. That means he not only completed the game, he did it from level 1 through to level 13. He is now the top score following myself and the artist on the game. He said he played 3 days about 1-1.5 hours a day. Way to go!!
Your host is Da VoodooChief...
The competition is for exclusive T-Shirts branded with the SorceryGames logo. Available sizes are Sml, Lge, XX-Lge. To enter the competition you must post your high score in the A Shooter game and have it *shared to Da Voodoochief by the time the current Event ends. There are 4 Events that represent 4 chances to win. Each chance will end at a fixed time and date. See official rules for dates and times. Voodoochief may at his discretion award bonus prizes at any time.
At least 1 hour before the competition Da Voodoochief will have his Xbox online sharing scores with everyone. This should enable everyone to enter their score onto Da Voodoochief's Global High score table.
Good luck, and get Blasting.
***Please return to see more upcoming competitions for A Shooter.
**Event Dates are:-
* Global High Score sharing is not fully controlled by Sorcerygames. Though we make every effort to share scores as often and as globally as possible. With the vagaries of the internet and the possible lack of people to share with at any given time, it is possible that a higher score will not reach Da Voodoochief in time for the current drawing. The best bet is to share your score in the optimal given time period.
** Event times mark the END of the event. No more scores will be accepted for the current Event after the given time. But there is always the next Event.
*** Sorcerygames intends to create more competitions in the near future. They will be announced as soon as possible.
+All Events and prizes are at the discretion of Sorcerygames LLC and the competition can be cancelled at any time.